You can make donations using your credit card by using our link to PayPal below. You do not need a PayPal account to make such a donation via your credit card. Please note that online donations are subject to a 3% fee to the Opera Foundation. If you are making larger donations and would like the Opera Foundation to avoid such fees, please send a check made out to “The Opera Foundation Inc.” and send it to us by mail.

Thank you for your support!


Minimum donation: $500



Number of Tickets:



FOR 10 GUESTS $7,500



FOR 12 GUESTS $10,000



You may support the Foundation's activities by making a direct tax deductible donation or by taking part in our annual fundraising event, the Opera Gala, typically held in November. To take part in our annual Opera Gala, you can purchase sponsor tables for 10 guests at $7,500 or a benefactor table for 12 guests for $10,000. To participate at the benefactor level, a minimum of 2 tables is required.

All sponsors and benefactors are acknowledged in the Gala program and include other special privileges throughout the year, including a private invitation to attend our annual auditions. Individual tickets for the Opera Gala can be purchased for $750 per person. In accordance with Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code, any amounts in excess of $200 per person will be allowed as a charitable contribution deduction.

We encourage individuals, corporation and foundations to become long-term sponsors of our scholarships. This entails a minimum 2-3 year commitment to underwrite a scholarship at US$16,000 per year. This commitment includes naming rights of the scholarship giving the sponsor maximum exposure to promote, for example, a corporation or foundation's commitment to the Arts. The Scholarship may also be established to honor a certain individual. The Opera Foundation will add to this commitment with an additional $6,000 to cover travel and relocations expenses.

The Opera Foundation, Inc. is an exempt organization pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.